Listening to Human Energy Flow

Hidden Fields-164Some interesting listening: right click to download/left click to stream

It’s a recording of the sound sculptures generated at our recent danceroom Spectroscopy installation at the Barbican. It’s a gentle, ambient sound that ebbs, flows, and washes over you. I’ve been enjoying it. All the sounds were generated in real-time, from the motion of peoples’ virtual energy fields within the exhibition space. There’s three primary components that contribute to the sound:

  1. The vibrational energy of people’s fields. These are measured in real-time by taking a Fourier Transform of the atomic dynamics, and generate the deep wave-like sounds you hear in the recording.
  2. The location and motion of different particle clusters. The motion of peoples’ fields creates transient atomic clusters, which we detect and assign to different sonic channels. The cluster positions and velocities generate different sounds.
  3. The atom-atom collisions. The motion of people’s fields causes different atoms to collide. In the recording, these collisions generate the delicate tinkling sounds.
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